Aug 12, 2013

Bright Ideas?

"Assignment" # 2:  Reply to this blog posting.

Hey Everyone!  My hope in maintaining this blog is to provide a spot for news, ideas, tutorials... and for teachers to share ideas and reflect on ed tech as we move toward becoming a 1:1 school.

We're all so busy that we often only hear about what another teacher is doing through the long grapevine that crawls through the great hallways of LVMS.

Also, sometimes as teachers we hear of a really cool idea or online software or website that we'd love to try sometime -- but not until we have the time, energy, and sometimes, courage to try it.  And by the time all those things fall into place, we've forgotten what that link or idea was (or maybe even that there WAS a cool idea!).

A blog space that everyone can contribute ideas to (but I'll maintain it for simplicity) and where teacher Best Practices and ideas can not only be shared but showcased is the goal.

But I need your help to get started...

Your assignment:  Please reply to this post (by clicking on the COMMENTS link beneath this post) with suggestions and ideas for how the site can be best used & set up.   In what ways would you like to see this blog used?  Teacher sharing of ideas & best practices relating to ed tech for learning?  Posting of tutorials?  Teacher reflection (guest bloggers)? Posting of teachers using tech in their classrooms (teacher pictures optional :)   )?  Videos of teachers demonstrating lessons using ed tech to help reach learning goals?  Tech Teacher of the Month?  Cool "tools"?...


  1. This would be so beneficial to use to display at the beginning of my class time as an agenda/framework for the day!!!

  2. This will be useful for the sharing of ideas that we may not have thought of.

  3. I think any tips and tricks are helpful. I think any of our shared knowledge will be valuable.

  4. I am looking forward to the possibilities.

  5. Looking forward to hearing how others are using technology in their classroom.

  6. Mr.Fee
    This would be a great way for teachers to post best practices.

  7. It will be great to learn new ideas from 6th & 8th grade teachers whom we don't get much time to collaborate with.

  8. This will be a great way to share ideas, practices and questions.

  9. I am excited to be able to communicate tech problems and found ideas with other staff members.

  10. Looking forward to learning more and trying new things. Hope to get with those that are proficient with the tools of google.

  11. This blog would be a good place to share websites and tools that others use in their classroom. It would also be helpful to have examples of how the websites and tools are used within the classroom.

  12. This blog will be a great way for all of us to get an inside look into each other's classrooms, share ideas, and collaborate across the building and content areas. I am looking most forward to seeing others ideas, as those usually spark a completely new idea to be used in my classroom. We can develop a common language about how to use these new technology tools which will help our students as they transition from 6th to 8th.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. This is my second attempt at a blog, my first would have been the best blog you never got to read


Comments? Questions? Ideas?