Oct 9, 2013

After-School Session, a Superstar & a Couple of Quick How-to's

Google Docs

...so we started making some inroads into Google Drive and Google Docs Monday after school. I think everyone was able to at least log in, find Drive, create a folder and document, and understand the importance of careful sharing.

Some shared documents with each other and some stayed after the others had left for a little small group encouragement. It was great to see how much the teachers at LVMS support each other as learners and colleagues. Such stellar determination! 

I let them know -- and will repeat it again -- I'm more than happy to spend a little or a lot of time with small groups or individuals. If you get stuck and can't find your way out, I'm right down the hallway.  

And if you’re new to Google docs, just remember that if you can create a document and share it -- you’re well on your way.  Practice those things until you’re relatively comfortable -- and then one day you’ll find yourself feeling ready to click somewhere else on Drive. And from there you’ll click somewhere else. And somewhere else.  And that, anyone who already uses a lot of tech will tell you,  is how you learn to use tech.  There’s no magic involved, just some brave clicking.

We’ll do it all over again Monday, October 21st 28th at 2:30 in room 146 for anyone who missed it or just wants to come back to practice some more.

Next Blog = Teacher Focus

Speaking of people who use a lot of tech, the next blog will focus on one of our real tech “superstars”.  Our colleague, Adam Britton, has written our first guest blog, and I'll be posting it as soon as I can edit together some footage of him in the classroom and a video interview he and I did together last week.  I can’t wait for you all to read and hear what he has to say about the real way teachers become tech integrators and to see him in action in his classroom.

Until then, 
A couple of practical things:

Some teachers have asked me …

a. How to change passwords for their district Google email/ Drive accounts. I'll show you how in just 20 seconds HERE.  

b. How to make the Book Mark bar visible.  Before I talked about Google in our session, I did a shout-out for some of Google Chrome browser’s unique capabilities, including being able to easily organize most-visited/ most needed sites and the ability to pin tabs so they’ll open automatically every time you open Chrome. 

I’ll mention that again at the repeat session on the 21st, but for those who said they didn't seem to have a Bookmarks Bar, click here to see how to make it visible.

Finally, everyone, please do let me know what you're up to, ed tech-wise, so I can show you off -- we learn best from each other, as you know, so don't be shy! Also, please let me know if you want to have a Google play session. Keep at it!